We have some very exciting news and we need your help (with your vote)! We're thrilled to announce that we are finalists for the top 100 Small Business Grants with FedEx. It's a huge opportunity for us to win a great grant that would help us grow and deliver better and more products to our amazing customers. To help us win, you can vote for Epsom-It EVERYDAY HERE! We would use the grant funds to make our products and marketing even better so more people could discover all the benefits of Epsom-It. We're constantly looking to grow and a lot of growth starts with funding.
Additionally for those that don't know, FedEx is a great company that is focused on helping small businesses and women-owned businesses achieve their goals (and they even have a small business resource center: Link Here). For a company like Epsom-It also we do a lot of SHIPPING with them too and they have offered us great savings!
Fun Fact about FedEx...For every retailer that we get into we have to send samples to as apart of the process. Our CEO, Heather, hand delivers each set of samples to her local FedEx store, asks the lovely FedEx representative to send it in a box with extra good luck (and extra padding so the products arrive perfectly!). Fortunately, the lovely FedEx representative much have some extra lucky boxes because this year alone we've gotten "YES" to Epsom-It being on your local shelves from Meijers, CVS, Walgreens, and more! Each "YES" has started with a local trip to FedEx! We again need your help to win the award! Please vote for Epsom-It as much as possible HERE up until March 28th.
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