After 20 years in the making we are finally patented! There is not such thing as an overnight success and this story is not one of them. The patent process took a long time, but it tells customers Epsom-It is unique, and committed to our products for the long haul. You can now rest assured there is nothing else like Epsom-It on the market. Here at Epsom-It we have been working hard to continue to build a brand you can know and trust and we just got a big stamp of approval. Epsom-It’s Formula was originally created in 2005 by Paul Greenfield in his 90s.’ The formula has now passed through three owners, with the formula in 2019 finally being shepherded to market.
The name Epsom Salt came from the town Epsom, England where in 1618 a farmer's cows refused to drink the local water because of its bitter taste. Besides the taste, the farmer also noticed that after applying the water to scratches and rashes they healed quickly. The taste of the water, and the healing powers, proved to be the result of its natural Magnesium Sulfate content. Epsom-It is the only product to take this healing power and bottles it into a lotion and we were finally recognized for that. We are 40X more concentrated than an Epsom Salt soak.
It has taken 400 years for innovation to come to Epsom Salts and Epsom-It is proud to bring it to you.
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